​I fought food most of my life. Chubby kid, fat teenager, obese adult. Like most people I thought caloric deficit was the way to lose weight. Eat less, move more. But try and try again, why couldn't I stick to anything? Why was I always hungry. Why did the weight always come back? Why couldn't I get a handle on this? I felt hopeless.

After a lifetime of obesity, with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, acid reflux, high cholesterol and sleep apnea steadily progressing, I was desperate for a solution.

Change came after I learned the science about how the body and how our hormones work. This knowledge allowed me to change what and when I eat in a way that I was able to reverse all of these afflictions with a weight loss of over 200 pounds. 

My journey to health started by reading the book The Obesity Code which lead me to the author, Dr. Jason Fung, and Megan Ramos, founders of The Fasting Method.

Through close contact and training I was able to find lasting success. In many respects the solution is simple. Changing what and when you eat.  I have become dedicated to helping others find their way by becoming a coach with The Fasting Method. 

Will this work for you? We are all different but one thing is certain. Humans are meant to spend time in the fed state as well as the fasted state.  What we eat is important but when we eat may be even more important. 

This information may be helpful to you but if you need assistance and accountability, our coaching program may be what you need. You will have to do the work but I can teach you, support you, and help keep you accountable.

​You may obtain more information about the coaching program here and you may book a no-obligation consultation here.

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